Astro Blog Post CoverPasskeys Implementation

How to Implement Passkeys in Astro Apps

Astro & Passkeys: Enhance your Astro apps with passkeys. Follow this tutorial to seamlessly integrate Corbado's web-JS for secure logins.



Created: August 1, 2024

Updated: October 9, 2024

We aim to make the Internet a safer place using passkeys. That's why we want to support developers with tutorials on how to implement passkeys.


1. Introduction: Astro Passkeys#

In this blog post, we'll guide you through building an Astro application with passkey login functionality using the Corbado web-js component. Astro is an all-in-one web framework designed to simplify website creation. It boasts the performance and Corbado simplifies the integration of secure passkey authentication into your web apps. We'll show you how to embed Corbado's UI components and set up a secure login system. If you want to see the complete code, check out our sample Astro passkey application repository on GitHub. Here's a preview of the final passkey login interface with Astro: Login Page of the Astro Passkeys App

2. Prerequisites#

This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of Astro, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To get started, make sure you have Node.js and Npm installed on your machine. For this example, we'll be using the latest version of Astro (version 4.12.3). Let's start building our secure passkey login application!

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3. Repository Structure#

Let's explore the structure of our repository (full Astro passkeys GitHub repository). This organized architecture will help us efficiently manage and scale our Astro application.

. ├── src │ ├── components │ │ └── PasskeyList.astro │ ├── layouts │ │ └── Layout.astro │ ├── pages │ │ ├── index.astro │ │ └── profile.astro ├── .env ├── package.json

Here's a brief explanation of the relevant files and directories:

  • src/components/PasskeyList.astro: Component for displaying the list of passkeys.
  • src/pages/index.astro: Component for the sign-up/login screen.
  • src/pages/profile.astro: Component for the user profile information shown after successful authentication.
  • .env: Environment variables for configuring the application.
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4. Set up the Astro Project#

In this section, we'll explain step-by-step how to set up the Astro project. Let's get started by initializing a new Astro project:

npm create astro@latest astro-passkeys-app cd astro-passkeys-app npm install

Next, install the necessary dependencies:

npm install @corbado/web-js

To start the development server and see the basic skeleton of your application, run:

npm run dev

Your application will start at http://localhost:4321. You should now see the basic structure of your Astro application. Astro Basic App Interface

5. Set Up the Corbado UI Components#

To integrate Corbado's UI components in your Astro application, you need to follow these steps.

5.1 Set Up your Corbado Account and Project#

Visit the Corbado developer panel to sign up and create your account. You'll experience the passkey sign-up in action here! Corbado Developer Panel Interface In the project setup wizard, begin by selecting an appropriate name for your project. For the product selection, opt for "Corbado Complete". Subsequently, select "DEV environment" along with "Corbado session management" options. Afterwards, you'll get more foundational setup guidance. Next, choose "Web app" as an application type and VanillaJS as your frontend framework (as Astro supports JavaScript, we can use the VanillaJS UI components). In the application settings, define your Application URL and Relying Party ID as follows: Configuration of the Astro Passkeys Project

  • Application URL: Provide the URL where you embedded the UI component, here: http://localhost:4321
  • Relying Party ID: Provide the domain (no protocol, no port, and no path) where passkeys should be bound to, here: localhost Lastly, navigate to the Corbado project settings to find your project ID under Corbado API access. Then, store the project ID in your environment file. Your environment file should look like this:

You'll need this project ID later to embed the Corbado UI component in your Astro app.

5.2 Embed the UI Component in the Frontend#

To get started with embedding the Corbado UI component in your Astro frontend, follow these steps:

  • Initialize the Corbado Project: The corbadoSetup.js file contains the shared logic for initializing Corbado. This file ensures that you only need to write the initialization logic once and reuse it across different components. Here’s the complete code of the corbadoSetup.js file:
const projectId = import.meta.env.PUBLIC_CORBADO_PROJECT_ID; export const loadCorbadoProject = async () => { await Corbado.load({ projectId: projectId, }); };
  • Set Up the Login Component: The index.astro component will handle user authentication by embedding Corbado's UI component. Here’s the complete code of the index.astro component:
--- --- <html> <head> <title>Login</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <style> body, html { height: 100%; margin: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } .container { text-align: center; } button { margin-top: 10px; padding: 10px 20px; font-size: 16px; } </style> <script src="" ></script> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div id="corbado-auth"></div> </div> <script type="module"> import { loadCorbadoProject } from "./corbadoSetup.js"; const initializeCorbado = async () => { await loadCorbadoProject(); const authElement = document.getElementById("corbado-auth"); Corbado.mountAuthUI(authElement, { onLoggedIn: () => { window.location.href = "/profile"; }, }); }; initializeCorbado(); </script> </body> </html>

5.3 Set Up the Passkey List Component#

The PasskeyList.astro component will display a list of passkeys. This component will be integrated into the Profile component. Here’s the complete code of the PasskeyList.astro component:

<div id="passkey-list"></div> <script type="module"> import { loadCorbadoProject } from "./corbadoSetup.js"; const initializePasskeyList = async () => { await loadCorbadoProject(); const passkeyListElement = document.getElementById("passkey-list"); if (Corbado.user) { Corbado.mountPasskeyListUI(passkeyListElement); } }; initializePasskeyList(); </script>

5.4 Set Up the Profile Page#

The profile.astro component will fetch and display user information using Corbado's API. It will also provide a UI for managing passkeys and logging out. Here’s the complete code of the profile.astro component:

--- import PasskeyList from "../components/PasskeyList.astro"; --- <html> <head> <title>Profile</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <style> body, html { height: 100%; margin: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } .container { text-align: center; } button { margin-top: 10px; padding: 10px 20px; font-size: 16px; } </style> <script src="" ></script> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <h1>Profile</h1> <div id="profile-content"></div> <PasskeyList /> <button id="logout-button" style="display: none;">Logout</button> </div> <script type="module"> import { loadCorbadoProject } from "./corbadoSetup.js"; const initializeProfile = async () => { await loadCorbadoProject(); const user = Corbado.user; const profileContent = document.getElementById("profile-content"); const logoutButton = document.getElementById("logout-button"); if (user) { profileContent.innerHTML = `<p>Welcome, ${}</p>`; = "block"; logoutButton.addEventListener("click", () => { Corbado.logout(); window.location.href = "/login"; }); } else { profileContent.innerHTML = '<p>Please <a href="/login">login</a> to view your profile.</p>'; } }; initializeProfile(); </script> </body> </html>

5.5 Start Using Passkeys#

Now, when you start your development server with

npm run dev

and navigate to http://localhost:4321, you should see the authentication UI. Login Page of the Astro Passkeys App Once logged in, you'll be redirected to the profile page displaying user details and passkey list feature. Profile Page of the Astro Passkeys App

6. Conclusion#

In this tutorial, we've covered how to set up an Astro application with Corbado’s web-js component for passkey authentication. This includes initializing an Astro project, integrating Corbado for authentication, and creating a profile page with logout functionality. With these steps, you should have a functional passkey login system in your Astro application. Besides the passkey-first authentication, Corbado provides simple session management, that we used for a retrieval of basic user data. If you want to read more about how Corbado's session management please check the docs here.

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