In this tutorial, we show how to build a sample application with passkey authentication using Ruby on Rails in the backend together with a React frontend.
Created: October 17, 2023
Updated: May 15, 2024
2. Ruby on Rails passkey project prerequisites
3. Repository structure for Ruby on Rails passkey project
4. Set up your Corbado account and project
5. Set up Ruby on Rails passkeys app
5.2. Deliver React build files with Ruby
5.3. Configure environment variables
6. Create React passkey login page
6.1. Embed the passkey authentication UI component
6.2. Add route for passkey login page
7.1. Create Ruby on Rails endpoint
7.3. Get data from Corbado session
7.4. Create React component for profile page
7.5. Add route for profile page
8. Start using passkeys with our Ruby on Rails - React implementation
In this blog post, well be walking through the process of building a sample application with passkey authentication using Ruby on Rails in the backend together with a React frontend. To make passkeys work, we use Corbado's passkey-first UI components that automatically connects to a passkeys backend.
If you want to see the finished code, please have a look at our sample application GitHub repository.
The result looks as follows:
This tutorial assumes basic familiarity with Ruby on Rails, React, Typescript and HTML. Furthermore, make sure you have Ruby, Rails as well as Node.js installed and accessible from your shell. Lets dive in!
Our Ruby on Rails + React project contains many files, but these are the most important ones:
... ├── app | ... | ├── controllers | | └── pages_controller.rb # Controller for our pages | | ├── config | ... | ├── environments | | ├── development.rb # Development environment config | | └── production.rb # Production environment config | | | └── routes.rb # The Ruby on Rails routes are configured here | └── frontend ... ├── .env └── src ... ├── index.js # Root of our React.js app which also contains the React.js routes └── routes ├── login.js # Login page containing the Corbado webcomponent └── profile.js # Profile page showing information about the current user
Visit the Corbado developer panel to sign up and create your account (you'll see a passkey sign-up in action here!).
In the project setup wizard, begin by selecting an appropriate name for your project. For the product selection, opt for "Corbado Complete". Subsequently, specify your technology stack and select "DEV along with "Corbado session management" options. Afterwards, you'll get more foundational setup guidance.
Next, choose "Web app" as an application type and React as your framework. In the application settings, define your application url and relying party id as follows:
To initialize our project, we create a new Ruby on Rails project with
This will create a ruby-react folder containing our Ruby on Rails project. Now, we can move on to create our frontend which will be delivered by Ruby in step 5.2.
We head into our project with
and initialize our React frontend:
We will bundle everything (all pages, styles and code) into a single HTML file for Ruby to deliver.
In the "frontend" folder, create a file "webpack.config.js" with the following content:
const Dotenv = require("dotenv-webpack"); module.exports = { plugins: [new Dotenv()], };
Make sure the contents of the scripts and config folders match the content of our sample frontend's respective folder. Also adjust your package.json file to match the one in the repo here to make sure you have all necessary dependencies (You can copy it and just change the app name).
If you now execute
and open the build/index.html file you can see that our entire React app is packaged into that single HTML file.
We want to deliver the HTML file we just produced with Ruby. We create a file called pages_controller.rb under app/controllers and give it the following content:
The "home" method sends the index.html that Is generated by React to the user. React has its own internal router which is included in our HTML file, so we can just always deliver this generated HTML file and it will display the correct page dependent on the current URL.
Next, we create a route in /config/routes.rb for the methods inside pages_controller.rb.
This basically always sends back the HTML file which was generated by React.
We will need the Corbado project ID in the next steps, so we'll add it to our environment variables. We create an environment variable for Ruby and then one for React. Concerning Ruby, we add our variable to the development.rb and production.rb files under /config/environments/:
Concerning React, we have installed dotenv in step 5.1 (When you adjusted the package.json file). Therefore we can just create a .env file in the React project root (/frontend) and paste our project id there:
First, we'll create our login page under /frontend/src/routes/login.js with the content below. It contains only the Corbado UI component which will handle authentication for us. On successful signup/ login, we'll redirect the user to the profile page.
To make it work we modify index.js in our /frontend folder to include the react router with a route for /login.
Notice how we wrapped our entire application with the CorbadoProvider component. We have to pass it our project id, which we retrieve from our environment. Furthermore, we'll set the setShortSessionCookie option to true so that a cookie is created on login.
After successful authentication, the Corbado UI component redirects the user to the provided Redirect URL (http://localhost:3000/profile). This page displays information about the user which our frontend (React) will get from our backend (Ruby on Rails). We will now create an endpoint which will provide that info.
We first add a route in config/routes.rb:
and then we create the corresponding method in app/controllers/pages_controller.rb:
In our backend, we will get the info from the Corbado session, but before we can use information embedded in the session, we need to verify that the session is valid. We therefore take the cbo_short_session cookie (the session) and verify its signature using the public key from Corbado. We also verify that the issuer is correct (use your Corbado project ID here):
Finally, we can extract the information stored in the JWT claims. These are then sent to our frontend.
In the /frontend/routes folder, add a profile.js file with the following content:
Next, also add a /profile route inside index.js:
To start our application, we first rebuild our React app by executing
inside the "/frontend" directory. Afterwards we go back to the project root and start our Ruby on Rails app with
When visiting http://localhost:3000 you should see the following screen:
After successful sign up / login, you see the profile page:
This tutorial showed how easy it is to add passwordless authentication with passkeys to a Ruby on Rails app with a React frontend using Corbado. Besides the passkey-first authentication, Corbado provides simple session management, that we used for a retrieval of basic user data. If you want to read more about how Corbado's session management please check the docs here.
Table of Contents
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