This tutorial teaches you how to create a basic CRUD app using React in the frontend and Node.js (Express) in the backend with a MongoDB database.
Our mission is to make the Internet a safer place , and the new login standard passkeys provides a superior solution to achieve that. That's why we want to help you understand passkeys and its characteristics better.
In this comprehensive tutorial, you'll learn how to create a full-stack CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application
using React for the front end and Node.js with Express for the back end, all powered by a MongoDB database. We'll utilize
technologies such as React Router, Axios, and TailwindCSS to enhance the user experience.
Project Overview#
We'll develop a full-stack application where users can manage tutorials. Each tutorial will have the following
ID : Unique identifier
Title : Name of the tutorial
Description : Detailed information
Published Status : Indicates if the tutorial is published
Users can perform the following actions:
Create a new tutorial
Retrieve all tutorials or a specific one by ID
Update existing tutorials
Delete tutorials
Search tutorials by title
Example Screenshots#
Add a New Tutorial#
Display All Tutorials#
Edit a Tutorial#
Search Tutorials by Title#
The application follows a client-server architecture:
Backend : Node.js with Express handles RESTful APIs and interacts with the MongoDB database using mongoose.
Frontend : React.js communicates with the backend via Axios for HTTP requests and uses React Router for navigation.
Backend Implementation#
Setup Node.js Application#
Create Project Directory:
mkdir react-node-express-mongodb-crud
cd react-node-express-mongodb-crud
Initialize Node.js App:
Install Dependencies:
npm install express mongoose cors --save
Use ESModule Syntax
Add the following line to your package.json file:
"type" : "module"
// ...
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Create Configuration File (app/config/db.config.js
// app/config/db.config.js
export default {
HOST: 'localhost' ,
PORT: 27017 ,
DB: 'node_js_jwt_auth_db' ,
} ;
Initialize the MongoDB database (app/models/index.js
import dbConfig from '../config/db.config.js' ;
import mongoose from 'mongoose' ;
import Tutorial from './tutorial.model.js' ;
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
const db = {};
db.mongoose = mongoose;
db.url = `mongodb://${ dbConfig . HOST }:${ dbConfig . PORT }/${ dbConfig . DB }` ;
db.tutorials = Tutorial (mongoose);
export default db;
Define Tutorial Model (app/models/tutorial.model.js
export default (mongoose) => {
let schema = mongoose. Schema (
title: String,
description: String,
published: Boolean
{timestamps: true }
schema. method ( "toJSON" , function () {
const { __v , _id , ... object } = this . toObject (); = _id;
return object;
const Tutorial = mongoose. model ( "tutorial" , schema);
return Tutorial;
If you don't hava a MongoDB database for local development, you can use Docker to create a temporary MongoDB container:
docker run --rm -p 27017:27017 mongo
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Define Routes and Controllers#
Create Controller (app/controllers/tutorial.controller.js
import db from "../models/index.js" ;
const Tutorial = db.tutorials;
// Create and Save a new Tutorial
export const create = ( req , res ) => {
// Validate request
if ( ! req.body.title) {
res. status ( 400 ). send ({
message: "Content can not be empty!"
return ;
// Create a Tutorial
const tutorial = new Tutorial ({
title: req.body.title,
description: req.body.description,
published: req.body.published ? req.body.published : false
// Save Tutorial in the database
. save (tutorial)
. then ( data => {
res. send (data);
. catch ( err => {
res. status ( 500 ). send ({
err.message || "Some error occurred while creating the Tutorial."
// Retrieve all Tutorials
export const findAll = ( req , res ) => {
// Allow a filter condition via query parameter
const title = req.query.title;
const condition = title ? {title: {[]: `%${ title }%` }} : null ;
Tutorial. find (condition)
. then ( data => {
res. send (data);
. catch ( err => {
res. status ( 500 ). send ({
err.message || "Some error occurred while retrieving tutorials."
// Find a single Tutorial by ID
export const findOne = ( req , res ) => {
const id =;
// Find Tutorial by primary key
Tutorial. findById (id)
. then ( data => {
if ( ! data)
res. status ( 404 ). send ({message: "Not found Tutorial with id " + id});
else res. send (data);
. catch ( err => {
. status ( 500 )
. send ({message: "Error retrieving Tutorial with id=" + id});
// Update a Tutorial by ID
export const update = ( req , res ) => {
const id =;
// Update the Tutorial with the specified ID
Tutorial. findByIdAndUpdate (id, req.body, {useFindAndModify: false })
. then ( data => {
if ( ! data) {
res. status ( 404 ). send ({
message: `Cannot update Tutorial with id=${ id }. Maybe Tutorial was not found!`
} else res. send ({message: "Tutorial was updated successfully." });
. catch ( err => {
res. status ( 500 ). send ({
message: "Error updating Tutorial with id=" + id
// Delete a Tutorial by ID
export const deleteOne = ( req , res ) => {
const id =;
// Delete the Tutorial with the specified ID
Tutorial. findByIdAndRemove (id)
. then ( data => {
if ( ! data) {
res. status ( 404 ). send ({
message: `Cannot delete Tutorial with id=${ id }. Maybe Tutorial was not found!`
} else {
res. send ({
message: "Tutorial was deleted successfully!"
. catch ( err => {
res. status ( 500 ). send ({
message: "Could not delete Tutorial with id=" + id
// Delete all Tutorials
export const deleteAll = ( req , res ) => {
// Delete all Tutorials
Tutorial. deleteMany ({})
. then ( data => {
res. send ({
message: `${ data . deletedCount } Tutorials were deleted successfully!`
. catch ( err => {
res. status ( 500 ). send ({
err.message || "Some error occurred while removing all tutorials."
// Find all published Tutorials
export const findAllPublished = ( req , res ) => {
// Find all Tutorials with published = true
Tutorial. find ({published: true })
. then ( data => {
res. send (data);
. catch ( err => {
res. status ( 500 ). send ({
err.message || "Some error occurred while retrieving tutorials."
Set Up Routes (app/routes/tutorial.routes.js
import * as tutorials from "../controllers/tutorial.controller.js" ;
import express from "express" ;
export default (app) => {
let router = express. Router ();
// Create a new Tutorial
router. post ( "/" , tutorials.create);
// Retrieve all Tutorials
router. get ( "/" , tutorials.findAll);
// Retrieve a single Tutorial with id
router. get ( "/:id" , tutorials.findOne);
// Update a Tutorial with id
router. put ( "/:id" , tutorials.update);
// Delete a Tutorial with id
router. delete ( "/:id" , tutorials.deleteOne);
// Delete all Tutorials
router. delete ( "/" , tutorials.deleteAll);
// Find all published Tutorials
router. get ( "/published" , tutorials.findAllPublished);
app. use ( '/api/tutorials' , router);
Run the Server#
Create Server File (server.js
import express from "express" ;
import cors from "cors" ;
import db from "./app/models/index.js" ;
import tutorialRoutes from "./app/routes/tutorial.routes.js" ;
const app = express ();
const corsOptions = {
origin: "http://localhost:5173"
app. use ( cors (corsOptions));
app. use (express. json ());
app. use (express. urlencoded ({extended: true }));
// Simple route
app. get ( "/" , ( req , res ) => {
res. json ({message: "Welcome to the Tutorial Application." });
// Routes
tutorialRoutes (app);
// Sync database
db.mongoose. connect (db.url)
. then (() => {
console. log ( "Connected to the database!" );
. catch ( err => {
console. log ( "Cannot connect to the database!" , err);
process. exit ();
const PORT = process.env. PORT || 8080 ;
app. listen ( PORT , () => {
console. log ( `Server is running on port ${ PORT }.` );
Start the Server:
Server is running on port 8080.
Synced db.
Frontend Implementation#
File structure#
Your final file structure will look like this:
├─ index.html
├─ package.json
├─ postcss.config.js
├─ tailwind.config.js
├─ vite.config.js
├─ src/
│ ├─ App.jsx
│ ├─ main.jsx
│ ├─ index.css
│ ├─ services/
│ │ └─ tutorial.service.js
│ └─ pages/
│ ├─ AddTutorial.jsx
│ ├─ Tutorial.jsx
│ └─ TutorialsList.jsx
Create the React App#
Run the following commands to set up a new React app using Vite:
npm create vite@latest frontend -- --template react
cd frontend
npm i
npm i react-router-dom axios
npm install -D tailwindcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init -p
Finally, set up the tailwind content option in the configuration file tailwind.config.js
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
content: [
"./index.html" ,
"./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}" ,
] ,
theme: {
extend: {},
} ,
plugins: [] ,
Then, open src/index.css (Vite has created this file for you) and add the Tailwind directives:
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
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Initialize the App layout#
The App.jsx
component configures React Router routes and sets up a basic Tailwind navbar. We’ll navigate between:
– list of tutorials
– form to create new tutorial
– editing a single tutorial
import { Routes, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom" ;
import TutorialsList from "./pages/TutorialsList" ;
import AddTutorial from "./pages/AddTutorial" ;
import Tutorial from "./pages/Tutorial" ;
function App () {
return (
< BrowserRouter >
< div >
{ /* NAVBAR */ }
< nav className = "bg-blue-600 p-4 text-white" >
< div className = "flex space-x-4" >
< Link to = "/tutorials" className = "hover:text-gray-300 font-bold" >
</ Link >
< Link to = "/add" className = "hover:text-gray-300" >
</ Link >
</ div >
</ nav >
{ /* ROUTES */ }
< div className = "container mx-auto mt-8 px-4" >
< Routes >
< Route path = "/" element ={ < TutorialsList /> } />
< Route path = "/tutorials" element ={ < TutorialsList /> } />
< Route path = "/add" element ={ < AddTutorial /> } />
< Route path = "/tutorials/:id" element ={ < Tutorial /> } />
</ Routes >
</ div >
</ div >
</ BrowserRouter >
export default App;
Create Data Service#
This service handles Axios HTTP requests to our Node/Express backend (http://localhost:8080/api ). Update the baseURL if
your server runs on a different address or port.
import axios from "axios" ;
const http = axios. create ({
baseURL: "http://localhost:8080/api" ,
headers: {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
const getAll = () => {
return http. get ( "/tutorials" );
const get = ( id ) => {
return http. get ( `/tutorials/${ id }` );
const create = ( data ) => {
return http. post ( "/tutorials" , data);
const update = ( id , data ) => {
return http. put ( `/tutorials/${ id }` , data);
const remove = ( id ) => {
return http. delete ( `/tutorials/${ id }` );
const removeAll = () => {
return http. delete ( "/tutorials" );
const findByTitle = ( title ) => {
return http. get ( `/tutorials?title=${ title }` );
export default {
getAll ,
get ,
create ,
update ,
remove ,
removeAll ,
findByTitle ,
} ;
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Add item Component#
A component for creating new tutorials under src/pages/AddTutorial.jsx
It allows entering title and description, and then calls TutorialService.create().
import React, { useState } from "react" ;
import TutorialService from "../services/tutorial.service" ;
function AddTutorial () {
const [ title , setTitle ] = useState ( "" );
const [ description , setDescription ] = useState ( "" );
const [ submitted , setSubmitted ] = useState ( false );
const saveTutorial = () => {
const data = { title, description };
TutorialService. create (data)
. then (( response ) => {
console. log (;
setSubmitted ( true );
. catch (( e ) => {
console. log (e);
const newTutorial = () => {
setTitle ( "" );
setDescription ( "" );
setSubmitted ( false );
return (
< div className = "max-w-sm mx-auto p-4 bg-white rounded shadow" >
{ submitted ? (
< div >
< h4 className = "font-bold text-green-600 mb-4" >
Tutorial submitted successfully!
</ h4 >
< button className = "bg-blue-500 text-white px-3 py-1 rounded" onClick ={ newTutorial } >
Add Another
</ button >
</ div >
) : (
< div >
< h4 className = "font-bold text-xl mb-2" >Add Tutorial</ h4 >
< div className = "mb-2" >
< label className = "block mb-1 font-medium" >Title</ label >
< input
type = "text"
className = "border border-gray-300 rounded w-full px-2 py-1"
value ={ title }
onChange ={ ( e ) => setTitle ( }
</ div >
< div className = "mb-2" >
< label className = "block mb-1 font-medium" >Description</ label >
< input
type = "text"
className = "border border-gray-300 rounded w-full px-2 py-1"
value ={ description }
onChange ={ ( e ) => setDescription ( }
</ div >
< button
className = "bg-green-500 text-white px-3 py-1 rounded mt-2"
onClick ={ saveTutorial }
</ button >
</ div >
) }
</ div >
export default AddTutorial;
Tutorial List Component#
A component under src/pages/TutorialsList.jsx
Displays a search bar to filter by tutorial title
Lists tutorials on the left
Shows the selected tutorial on the right
Provides a button to remove all tutorials
import { useState, useEffect } from "react" ;
import TutorialService from "../services/tutorial.service" ;
import { Link } from "react-router-dom" ;
function TutorialsList () {
const [ tutorials , setTutorials ] = useState ([]);
const [ currentTutorial , setCurrentTutorial ] = useState ( null );
const [ currentIndex , setCurrentIndex ] = useState ( - 1 );
const [ searchTitle , setSearchTitle ] = useState ( "" );
useEffect (() => {
retrieveTutorials ();
}, []);
const onChangeSearchTitle = ( e ) => {
setSearchTitle (;
const retrieveTutorials = () => {
TutorialService. getAll ()
. then (( response ) => {
setTutorials (;
console. log (;
. catch (( e ) => {
console. log (e);
const refreshList = () => {
retrieveTutorials ();
setCurrentTutorial ( null );
setCurrentIndex ( - 1 );
const setActiveTutorial = ( tutorial , index ) => {
setCurrentTutorial (tutorial);
setCurrentIndex (index);
const removeAllTutorials = () => {
TutorialService. removeAll ()
. then (( response ) => {
console. log (;
refreshList ();
. catch (( e ) => {
console. log (e);
const findByTitle = () => {
TutorialService. findByTitle (searchTitle)
. then (( response ) => {
setTutorials (;
setCurrentTutorial ( null );
setCurrentIndex ( - 1 );
console. log (;
. catch (( e ) => {
console. log (e);
return (
< div className = "flex flex-col lg:flex-row gap-8" >
< div className = "flex-1" >
< div className = "flex mb-4" >
< input
type = "text"
className = "border border-gray-300 rounded-l px-2 py-1 w-full"
placeholder = "Search by title"
value ={ searchTitle }
onChange ={ onChangeSearchTitle }
< button
className = "bg-blue-500 text-white px-4 py-1 rounded-r"
onClick ={ findByTitle }
</ button >
</ div >
< h4 className = "font-bold text-lg mb-2" >Tutorials List</ h4 >
< ul className = "divide-y divide-gray-200 border border-gray-200 rounded" >
{ tutorials &&
tutorials. map (( tutorial , index ) => (
< li
className ={
"px-4 py-2 cursor-pointer " +
(index === currentIndex ? "bg-blue-100" : "" )
onClick ={ () => setActiveTutorial (tutorial, index) }
key ={ index }
{ tutorial.title }
</ li >
)) }
</ ul >
< button
className = "bg-red-500 text-white px-3 py-1 rounded mt-4"
onClick ={ removeAllTutorials }
Remove All
</ button >
</ div >
< div className = "flex-1" >
{ currentTutorial ? (
< div className = "p-4 bg-white rounded shadow" >
< h4 className = "font-bold text-xl mb-2" >Tutorial</ h4 >
< div className = "mb-2" >
< strong >Title: </ strong >
{ currentTutorial.title }
</ div >
< div className = "mb-2" >
< strong >Description: </ strong >
{ currentTutorial.description }
</ div >
< div className = "mb-2" >
< strong >Status: </ strong >
{ currentTutorial.published ? "Published" : "Pending" }
</ div >
< Link
to ={ `/tutorials/${ currentTutorial . id }` }
className = "inline-block bg-yellow-400 text-black px-3 py-1 rounded"
</ Link >
</ div >
) : (
< div >
< p >Please click on a Tutorial...</ p >
</ div >
) }
</ div >
</ div >
export default TutorialsList;
Tutorial Component#
A function component under src/pages/Tutorial.jsx
for viewing and editing a single tutorial. It uses:
to get :id from the URL
to redirect
for get, update, and delete operations
import { useState, useEffect } from "react" ;
import { useParams, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom" ;
import TutorialService from "../services/tutorial.service" ;
function Tutorial () {
const { id } = useParams ();
const navigate = useNavigate ();
const [ currentTutorial , setCurrentTutorial ] = useState ({
id: null ,
title: "" ,
description: "" ,
published: false ,
const [ message , setMessage ] = useState ( "" );
const getTutorial = ( id ) => {
TutorialService. get (id)
. then (( response ) => {
setCurrentTutorial (;
console. log (;
. catch (( e ) => {
console. log (e);
useEffect (() => {
if (id) getTutorial (id);
}, [id]);
const handleInputChange = ( event ) => {
const { name , value } =;
setCurrentTutorial ({ ... currentTutorial, [name]: value });
const updatePublished = ( status ) => {
const data = {
... currentTutorial,
published: status,
TutorialService. update (, data)
. then (( response ) => {
setCurrentTutorial ({ ... currentTutorial, published: status });
console. log (;
. catch (( e ) => {
console. log (e);
const updateTutorial = () => {
TutorialService. update (, currentTutorial)
. then (( response ) => {
console. log (;
setMessage ( "The tutorial was updated successfully!" );
. catch (( e ) => {
console. log (e);
const deleteTutorial = () => {
TutorialService. remove (
. then (( response ) => {
console. log (;
navigate ( "/tutorials" );
. catch (( e ) => {
console. log (e);
return (
< div >
{ currentTutorial ? (
< div className = "max-w-sm mx-auto p-4 bg-white rounded shadow" >
< h4 className = "font-bold text-xl mb-2" >Edit Tutorial</ h4 >
< div className = "mb-2" >
< label className = "block font-medium" htmlFor = "title" >
</ label >
< input
type = "text"
className = "border border-gray-300 rounded w-full px-2 py-1"
id = "title"
name = "title"
value ={ currentTutorial.title }
onChange ={ handleInputChange }
</ div >
< div className = "mb-2" >
< label className = "block font-medium" htmlFor = "description" >
</ label >
< input
type = "text"
className = "border border-gray-300 rounded w-full px-2 py-1"
id = "description"
name = "description"
value ={ currentTutorial.description }
onChange ={ handleInputChange }
</ div >
< div className = "mb-2" >
< strong >Status:</ strong > { currentTutorial.published ? "Published" : "Pending" }
</ div >
< div className = "space-x-2 mt-2" >
{ currentTutorial.published ? (
< button
className = "bg-blue-500 text-white px-3 py-1 rounded"
onClick ={ () => updatePublished ( false ) }
</ button >
) : (
< button
className = "bg-blue-500 text-white px-3 py-1 rounded"
onClick ={ () => updatePublished ( true ) }
</ button >
) }
< button
className = "bg-red-500 text-white px-3 py-1 rounded"
onClick ={ deleteTutorial }
</ button >
< button
className = "bg-green-500 text-white px-3 py-1 rounded"
onClick ={ updateTutorial }
</ button >
</ div >
{ message && < p className = "text-green-600 mt-2" > { message } </ p > }
</ div >
) : (
< div >
< p >Loading tutorial...</ p >
</ div >
) }
</ div >
export default Tutorial;
Run the application#
Now you can access the application at http://localhost:5173 .
Open that URL in your browser. You can now navigate to:
– see all tutorials
– add a tutorial
– edit a specific tutorial
(Make sure your Node/Express back end is running on http://localhost:8080 or update the baseURL in tutorial.service.js
You've successfully built a full-stack CRUD application using React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. This project showcases
how to set up a RESTful API with Node.js and Express, manage data with mongoose, and create a responsive frontend
with React and Bootstrap.
Happy coding and see you in the next tutorial!