Corbado helped VicRoads launch passkeys to 5 million users. Read more.
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Corbado Update: May 2024

Here’s what’s been going on in the Corbado labs during the last weeks:

#1 Cross-Device Authentication Support#

Corbado now supports cross-device authentication (CDA).

Users who have created a passkey on a mobile device or have access to a passkey on a mobile device via a keychain can now log in using a combination of a QR code and Bluetooth.

Additional screens can be added to the authentication flow through the settings to help users better understand CDA.

#2 Add Passkey Settings to DevPanel#

In the developer panel under Settings > User Interface, there is now a new tab for passkey-related settings. To improve the login and signup experience with passkeys and to customize use-case-specific functions, we now support the following settings:

Automatic passkey creation During signup, automatically initiate the passkey operation as soon as the user provides their login identifier (e.g., an email address). This can improve conversion rates during signup.

Passkey pop-up frequency Select the frequency of the pop-up prompting the user to register a passkey when logging in.

Cross-device authentication (CDA) Configure the CDA strategy to determine if a user can create and use a local passkey or a passkey from a cross device.

Local passkeys This setting prompts users who utilized CDA to create a local passkey on the current device.

#3 Add Passkey Insights to Analytics#

A Passkey Insights page has been added to the Analytics tools in the Developer Panel. This page provides insights into the usage of hybrid passkeys and synced passkeys used by users.

Additionally, it allows analysis of which authenticator is used for the user's passkey operations.