The Australian Cyber Security Strategy and Essential Eight framework require organizations to implement phishing-resistant MFA (via passkeys). Our whitepaper provides an overview and shows how to implement passkeys efficiently and what the business impact is.
The Essential Eight framework by the Australian Cyber Security Centre requires organizations to implement passkeys.
Passkeys are the only viable, phishing-resistant MFA method for consumers.
Passkeys as MFA method incur significantly less costs compared to MFA via SMS OTP.
Discover why Australian organizations must implement phishing-resistant MFA and why passkeys are the only viable option. Learn what’s crucial for a successful passkey implementation, avoid common mistakes and understand passkeys’ business impact.
Corbado helps you achieve high passkey adoption and login rates, realizes maximum cost savings for SMS OTP, and handles all the passkey implementation complexities for you.
Only offer passkey logins to users if passkeys are available
Sophisticated intelligence out-of-the-box
Requires significant self-development
Build up WebAuthn know-how, design user flows & integrate into existing system
Low effort
Huge effort (design solution from scratch)
Create user-friendly passkey flows and passkey copy
Best-in-class passkey UI/UX
Come up with own passkey UI/UX and test it yourself
Share of accounts with at least one passkey created (3 yrs)
50-80% passkey adoption rate
5-10% passkey adoption rate
Share of passkey logins from accounts that have at least one passkey (3 yrs)
60-90% passkey login rate
5-10% passkey login rate
How much SMS OTP savings can be achieved by passkey usage
60-90% savings possible
5-10% savings possible
See the full list how Corbado helps you achieve high passkey adoption, passkey login rates and high SMS cost savings in our whitepaper.
Read our detailed blog posts about passkey compliance and passkey rollouts in Australia.
Learn what’s crucial for a successful passkey implementation, avoid common mistakes and understand passkeys’ business impact.
Passkey integration project plan
How to get high passkey adoption rates