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Passkeys & iframes: How to Create & Login with a Passkey?

Discover how to create & login with passkeys in cross-origin iframes with our guide. Learn about iframes in WebAuthn, security policies, & implementation.

Vincent Delitz


Created: June 3, 2024

Updated: March 22, 2025

Our mission is to make the Internet a safer place, and the new login standard passkeys provides a superior solution to achieve that. That's why we want to help you understand passkeys and its characteristics better.


1. Introduction: How to Use Passkeys in an iframe?#

Week after week, more and more organizations announce their passkey rollouts (e.g. lately Visa, Mastercard or Vercel). As developers and product managers from other companies follow these role models, more use cases of passkey implementation are discussed.

One case we are constantly asked for is how passkeys work in iframes, as iframes are widely used in modern web development to embed content from different sources seamlessly. In the context of passkeys and WebAuthn, iframes come with their own set of challenges, especially concerning security and user interactions.

This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on using passkeys and WebAuthn in iframes. We will

  • Explore the current capabilities
  • Discuss cross-origin iframe support
  • Highlight the benefits of iframe integration and
  • Provide a step-by-step implementation guide.

By the end of this post, you will have a clear understanding of how to leverage passkeys within iframes.

2. Types of iframes#

iframes, or inline frames, are HTML elements that allow developers to embed another HTML document within the current document. This capability is widely used to incorporate content from external sources, such as videos, maps, and other web pages, into a website.

Let’s have a look at the different types of iframes.

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2.1 Basic iframe#

The basic iframe is the most commonly used type. It simply embeds content from another URL within the current page.

<iframe src=""></iframe>

This basic iframe is often used to include static content, like an article, within a web page.

2.2 Responsive iframe#

Responsive iframes are designed to adjust their size based on the screen size or the container they are placed in. This ensures that the embedded content looks good on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

<iframe src="" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></iframe>

CSS media queries can also be used to make the iframe adjust dynamically based on the viewport size.

2.3 Secure iframe (Sandboxed iframe)#

A secure or sandboxed iframe restricts the actions that can be performed within the iframe. This is useful for embedding content from untrusted sources or for enhancing security.

<iframe src="" sandbox></iframe>

The sandbox attribute can include various restrictions, such as:

<iframe src="" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin"></iframe>

The sandbox attribute allows scripts to run but restricts potentially dangerous actions, like form submissions or plugin usage.

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2.4 Cross-Origin iframe#

Cross-origin iframes embed content from a different domain. They are commonly used for integrating third-party services, such as payment gateways or social media widgets. Due to security restrictions, these iframes have limited access to the embedding page's content and vice versa.

Cross-origin means that the content being loaded is from a different origin, where an origin is defined by the combination of the scheme (protocol), host (domain), and port number. For example, and are considered different origins because they use different schemes (HTTP vs. HTTPS).

Similarly, subdomains are treated as separate origins from their parent domains. For instance, and are cross-origin, even though they share the same base domain. This separation ensures that scripts and data from one subdomain cannot directly interact with those from another without explicit permission, enhancing security.

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Here are examples to illustrate the concepts of cross-origin and same-origin:

Cross-origin example:

Embedding content from into a webpage hosted on These are cross-origin because they have different domains.

Same-origin example:

Embedding content from into a webpage hosted on These are same-origin because they share the same scheme, host, and port.

Cross-origin iframes differ from basic iframes in that the source is from another domain, whereas a same-site iframe has its source from the same domain as where it is embedded.

<iframe src=""></iframe>

3. How Do iframes Support Passkeys?#

Using passkeys in iframes introduces new capabilities and constraints that developers need to understand, primarily revolving around setting the correct permissions and ensuring secure user interactions within the embedded context.

Historically, the Web Authentication API was disabled by default in cross-origin iframes, primarily due to security concerns. This limitation meant developers had to redirect users or use pop-up windows for authentication, leading to a less seamless user experience.

In passkeys / WebAuthn, there are two core operations (also called ceremonies):

  1. Register / create a passkey
  2. Authenticate / login with a passkey

The two operations were and are not supported equally in cross-origin iframes:

At first, the login via cross-origin iframes was made possible but cross-origin creation not yet because there wasn't anyone with a use case.

Recent advancements (e.g. in Chrome 123) have introduced support for the creation of cross-origin iframe passkeys under specific conditions. However, as of May 2024, not all browsers fully support the creation of passkeys via cross-origin iframes, although login is possible with most browsers.

Moreover, cross-origin iframe support (for register and authentication operations) is already incorporated into the ongoing WebAuthn Level 3 specification, expected to be generally available by the end of 2024. Browsers still need to catch up to the specification. It seems likely that by the end of 2024, coverage for cross-origin registration of passkeys will become a reality in major browsers, lifting the most significant technical limitation for using passkeys in cross-origin iframes.

In the following parts of the blog post, we assume the use of cross-origin iframes.

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3.1 Login with Passkeys in Cross-Origin iframes#

The following tables provides an overview of the browser / standard support for authenticating / logging in via passkeys in cross-origin iframes:

Required in WebAuthn Level 2✔️✔️
Required in WebAuthn Level 3✔️✔️
Implemented in Chrome✔️✔️
Implemented in Firefox✔️✔️
Implemented in Safari✔️✔️

3.2 Create Passkeys in Cross-Origin iframes#

As of May 2024, the creation of a passkey in a cross-origin iframe is not yet possible in all browsers. The following table provides an overview of the browser / standard support for the registering / creation of passkeys in cross-origin iframes:

Required in WebAuthn Level 2✔️ Details
Required in WebAuthn Level 3✔️ Details✔️ Details
Implemented in Chrome✔️ Details✔️ Details
Implemented in Firefox✔️ Details✔️ Details
Implemented in Safari✔️ DetailsAwaiting signal for implementation

If you’re interested in more background to this development and support, we recommend having look at this GitHub issue and this Pull Request.

3.3 Use Cases for Passkeys in iframes#

There are two major use cases for supporting passkeys in cross-origin iframes.

3.3.1 Federated Identity#

Enabling passkeys in cross-origin iframes is crucial for federated identity scenarios where multiple domains are involved but the same user accounts should be used.

Let’s take the following scenario. You’re a multinational company like KAYAK and have different domains for different regions:

However, you have one central identity management system that enables users to log in with the same account and credentials on all these domains. The WebAuthn standard would pose a challenge to these scenarios, as the passkeys can be bound to only one domain (Relying Party ID), e.g.

To overcome this challenge, you would use an iframe from the origin on all your other domains. So you embed an iframe with origin on and on (cross-origin iframe). Otherwise, the usage of your “”-bound passkeys on these other domains would not be possible due to the phishing-resistance of passkeys.

On a site note: There is an ongoing discussion to allow “related origins” to access passkeys without iframes, but there is no support yet in browsers.

3.3.2 Payments#

Also for seamless payment flows, the usage of passkeys in cross-origin iframes plays an important role. Consider the following scenario: A customer wants to buy new shoes on a merchant’s website (e.g. This merchant’s website allows the customer to pay via the bank account (e.g. at and thus requires the user to log into the bank’s website (this is a simplified process). The user logs in to the bank’s website with a passkey that is bound to the bank’s Relying Party ID, e.g. “”.

To avoid redirecting the user from the merchant’s website ( to the bank’s website ( in the checkout process and let the user log in there to the bank’s account, a cross-origin iframe can be used. Hereby, the user stays on and uses the passkey in the cross-origin iframe for authentication that they created for

Thus, integrating passkeys via cross-origin iframes in payment flows ensures secure and streamlined transactions across consumers, merchants and banks:

  • experience minimal friction during checkout, enhancing trust and security and

  • avoid potential security concerns during shopping.
  • simplify checkout workflows by leveraging bank-registered passkeys and

  • benefit from faster and more secure checkouts, potentially increasing conversions.
  • transition to digital and secure FIDO2-based payment instruments and

  • ensure compliance and reduce risk and costs by using passkeys for consumer interactions.

In the context of payment and passkeys, we also recommend taking a look at our blog post on Secure Payment Confirmation (SPC) and dynamic linking with passkeys. Be sure to also take a look at the limitations for third-party-context in Native Apps below.

4. Benefits of Using Passkeys in iframes#

In general, integrating passkeys within iframes offers several benefits, mainly by improving the UX and security. Here’s a breakdown of these advantages:

Enhanced User Experience

  1. No Pop-Ups or Redirects: Users can authenticate directly within embedded content without redirects or pop-ups, resulting in a smoother and less disruptive experience.
  2. Consistent UX Across Sites: Embedding authentication flows within iframes ensures a consistent user experience across different sections of a website or across different websites that use the same authentication service.

Improved Security

  1. Secure Transactions: For scenarios like payments, passkeys in iframes enhance the security of transactions by ensuring that authentication happens within a secure, embedded context.
  2. Use on User Account on Different Websites: In federated identity setups, passkeys in cross-origin iframes allow secure and efficient identity verification across multiple domains.

5. Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Passkeys in iframes#

Implementing passkeys in iframes involves some key steps to ensure security and functionality. We provide a detailed guide for developers. Please see also the example implementation at

Cross-Origin iframe Passkey Demo

5.1 Set Permission Policy to publickey-credentials-get and publickey-credentials-create#

The HTTP Permissions-Policy header helps to allow or deny the use of certain browser features in a document or within an iframe element. To enable passkey logins in an iframe, you must set the publickey-credentials-get and publickey-credentials-create permission policies. The policies allow the embedded content to invoke the necessary WebAuthn API method to authenticate (navigator.credentials.get({publicKey})) with and create a passkey (navigator.credentials.create({publicKey})).

<iframe src="" allow="publickey-credentials-get; publickey-credentials-create"></iframe>

The HTTP Permissions Policywas previously called Feature Policy. Under Feature Policy, you could grant a feature to a cross-origin iframe by either adding the origin to the header origin list or including an allow attribute in the iframe tag. With Permissions Policy, adding a cross-origin frame to the origin list requires that the iframe tag for that origin must include the allow attribute. If the response lacks a Permissions Policy header, the origin list defaults to * (all origins). Including the allow attribute in the iframe grants access to the feature.

To ensure that cross-origin iframes not specified in the origin list are blocked from accessing the feature, even if the allow attribute is present, developers can explicitly set the Permissions Policy header in the response.

In Chrome 88+, Feature Policy can still be used but acts as an alias for Permissions Policy. Other than syntax differences, the logic remains the same. When both Permissions Policy and Feature Policy headers are used simultaneously, the Permissions Policy header takes precedence and will override the value set by the Feature Policy header. Please also see this blog post by the Chrome team for more implementation details.

5.2 Configure HTTP Headers#

Ensure the HTTP response headers from the iframe’s source URL include the relevant ´Permissions-Policy`. This is crucial for cross-origin support.

Permissions-Policy: publickey-credentials-get=\*, publickey-credentials-create=\*

For more granular control, you can specify particular origins allowed to embed the iframe content.

Permissions-Policy: publickey-credentials-get=(""), publickey-credentials-create=("")

5.3 Handle User Activation#

Ensure that the iframe content requires a user action to trigger passkey authentication. This can be done using event listeners for clicks or form submissions within the iframe. This process is also called transient activation.

document.getElementById('loginPasskeyButton').addEventListener('click', async () => { try { const [publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions](/glossary/publickeycredentialrequestoptions) = { /* Configuration options */ }; const credential = await navigator.credentials.get({publicKey: publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions}); // Handle the created credential } catch (err) { console.error('Error authenticating via passkey:', err); } });

In this context, see also our blog post on Safari user gesture requirements.

5.4 Example Implementation#

In the following, you find a full sample code snippet of an index.html file hosted on that uses a cross-origin iframe for passkeys via

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="Permissions-Policy" content="publickey-credentials-get=\*; publickey-credentials-create=\*"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; frame-src;"> <title>Cross-Origin iframe with Passkeys Demo</title> <style> body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; padding: 20px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100vh; margin: 0; } h1 { width: 100%; text-align: center; } .iframe-container { width: 80%; max-width: 800px; height: 80%; max-height: 600px; border: 1px solid #ccc; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); margin-top: 20px; } iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none; } @media (max-width: 768px) { h1 { width: 95%; } .iframe-container { width: 95%; } } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Cross-Origin iframe with Passkeys Demo</h1> <div class="iframe-container"> <iframe src="" allow="publickey-credentials-create; publickey-credentials-get"></iframe> </div> </body> </html>

6. Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them#

Implementing passkeys in iframes can come with a set of challenges that developers need to address to ensure a smooth and secure user experience. Here’s a detailed look at common challenges and how to overcome them.

6.1 Challenge 1: Permission Policy Configuration#

Problem: Incorrectly configuring permission policies can prevent the iframe from accessing WebAuthn APIs.

“NotAllowedError - The 'publickey-credentials-create' feature is not enabled in this document. Permissions Policy may be used to delegate Web Authentication capabilities to cross-origin child frames.”

If you don’t add the permission policies correctly, the browser would throw the following error:

passkey iframe permission policy configuration


  • Double-Check If Allow Attribute and HTTP Headers are Set: Ensure that the allow attribute and HTTP headers are correctly set. Double-check that the publickey-credentials-get and publickey-credentials-create permissions are included in both the iframe element and the server's HTTP response headers.

  • Meta Headers Instead of Web Server Headers: Use <meta/> headers for defining the permission policies instead of setting the headers in your web server.

  • Semicolon instead of Comma in Permissions-Policy: Earlier, Permissions-Policy was called Feature-Policy. Single elements of a Feature-Policywere separated by a comma instead of a semicolon (which is the standard for Permissions-Policy). The iframe Permissions-Policy follows still the syntax of Feature-Policyand thus uses commas. The sandbox / allow attributes are still separated with a semicolon though (see code snippet above).

Tip: To properly test that your Permission-Policy headers are set correctly, we recommend to open your browser’s developer tools, access Application (here: in Chrome developer tools), go to Frames and search for the iframe’s origin (here: If the Permissions-Policy is set correctly, publickey-credential-create and publickey-credential-get should be listed among the Allowed Features:

passkey permissions policy allowed features

6.2 Challenge 2: Cross-Origin iframe Issues with Safari#

Problem: The cross-origin iframe passkey creation or passkey login does not work, and you see the following error in your browser console.

"NotAllowedError - The origin of the document is not the same as its ancestors."

This error appears when using the Safari browser and trying to create a passkey from within the iframe, as Safari does not support cross-origin iframe passkey creation (see above).

passkey iframe not allowed error

Solution: Here, you cannot really do anything as Safari does not yet support the creation of a passkey from within a cross-origin iframe (yet).

Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a frame with origin "". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.

This error is not directly connected to passkeys but more to cross-origin iframes in Safari in general. As part of Safari’s / WebKit’s initiative to block third-party cookies or access to LocalStorage in a third-party-context, parts of the JavaScript logic might be broken.

passkey iframe third party cookie

Solution: Here, you need to ensure that you are not using third-party cookies inside your iframes, as this causes an error.

6.3 Challenge 3: Browser Compatibility#

Problem: Different browsers may have varying levels of support for WebAuthn and iframe permissions, leading to inconsistent behavior.

Solution: Test the implementation across multiple browsers to ensure compatibility and identify any browser-specific issues.


  1. Conduct cross-browser testing using tools like BrowserStack or Sauce Labs.
  2. Address any discrepancies by implementing browser-specific fixes or fallbacks.

6.4 Challenge 4: Iframes in Native Apps#

Problem: When using iframes that require passkeys inside native apps, a crucial distinction must be made between first-party and third-party contexts:

  • First-party context: The passkeys are tied to the same domain as the company running the app. For example, an e-commerce app that relies on its own domain for user authentication.
  • Third-party context: A different domain (e.g., a payment provider or identity provider) handles the passkey creation or login flow.

In an embedded WebView (EWV) such as WKWebView on iOS or an Android WebView—the calling app has extensive control over the web session (e.g., intercepting requests). This setup typically supports passkeys only if the domain of the passkey (the Relying Party ID) matches the app’s domain (first-party). However, in a third-party scenario—like a payment provider’s cross-origin flow—an embedded WebView generally cannot access the needed passkey credentials because the merchant’s app and the payment provider’s service are different origins. The required “bindings” for passkeys (between domain, credential, and origin) won’t match in the embedded context.

This limitation leads many apps to adopt a system WebView approach (e.g., ASWebAuthenticationSession on iOS or Custom Tabs on Android). System WebViews isolate the third-party site (e.g., payment provider) in a secure, browser-like environment that correctly allows cross-origin passkeys—if the browser itself supports it. Nevertheless, remember that Safari’s existing iframe limitations also apply to ASWebAuthenticationSession, so if Safari does not permit certain passkey operations in third-party iframes, the same will hold true in the system WebView. There is currently no “native” fix; the best practice for complex flows—such as checkouts involving external payment providers—is to open a system WebView rather than an embedded one.

Solution: For payment providers (and other third parties relying on passkeys across domains), carefully plan the integration to ensure the user is taken out of an embedded WebView and into a system one. While it is a less seamless experience than a purely embedded flow, it is often the only way to guarantee that the passkey functionality will work with third-party services.

7. Conclusion#

Integrating passkeys within iframes significantly enhances user authentication by improving both security and user experience. This allows for seamless authentication without the need for redirects or pop-ups, ensuring a consistent UX across various sections and sites.

Real-world implementations, such as Shopify's integration of passkeys within their login component, demonstrate the practical benefits and flexibility of this approach.

8. FAQs#

Can I create passkeys in cross-origin iframes?

Yes, with the right permission policies and transient user activation, you can create passkeys in cross-origin iframes in supported browsers (check our table above).

What are the benefits of using passkeys in iframes?

Benefits include enhanced security, improved user experience, and seamless authentication flows across different domains.

How do I enable passkeys in an iframe?

Set the publickey-credentials-create and / or publickey-credentials-get permission policy, provide the right headers and ensure transient user activation within the iframe.

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